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Running LLama 3 and Phi-3 locally using ollama

29 Apr 2024

Over the past few days, there have been a couple of interesting new LLM releases with Meta’s Llama 3 and Microsoft’s Phi-3 Mini. Aside from ChatGPT, I haven’t really played with any of the other models, so I decided to try running these locally on my Macbook.

I expected that installing LLMs locally would be complicated, but with ollama I had them running on my Intel Macbook in a matter of minutes.


Install ollama:

brew install ollama

ollama needs to run as a background service:

brew services start ollama

Install and run Llama 3:

ollama run llama3

This will download the 8B version of Llama 3 which is a 4.7GB file, so it might take a couple of minutes to start. If you want to try the 70B version, you can change the model name to llama3:70b, but remember that this might not work on most computers.

For Phi-3, replace that last command with ollama run phi3. This is a much smaller model at 2.3GB.


For a very unscientific benchmark on my Intel Macbook Pro, I asked the same question, “What’s the best way for me to learn about LLMs?” to both LLMs. Llama 3 produced output at around 5 tokens/s, while Phi-3 was much faster at 10 tokens/s. To see the timings for LLM queries, you can use the --verbose flag on the run command.

ollama 0.1.33 was released yesterday with official support for both these models. I installed them before this release and didn’t run into any problems, but it might make things perform a bit better.

Hi, I’m Nithin! This is my blog about programming. Ruby is my programming language of choice and the topic of most of my articles here, but I occasionally also write about Elixir, and sometimes about the books I read. You can use the atom feed if you wish to subscribe to this blog or follow me on Mastodon.